Anonymously share link, For niantic wayfarer

I would like to use the scaniverse link without revealing who the poster is when submitting on wayfarer.
I think the name of the person responsible for the post is needed when sharing on the map.
Share Link. I would like an option to not show the account name when doing so.


Hi ARPeggio,

At the moment we don’t have the option to post anonymously, but this sounds like an excellent idea. I will pass it along to our engineering team! Thank you!

Kind regards,
Maverick L.


Thanks for taking the time.
I suggested the anonymous option, but simply want to use the scaniverse for wayfarer. If you can make that happen with other ideas, I am open to any method.

You’re very welcome!

Are you referring to Scaniverse for Lightship/Niantic Spatial?

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I am not good at technical things (and English), I mean to say that I will leave the method to you guys.

It’s about a service called Niantic Wayfarer (Wayfarer — Niantic Technical Support and Help Center). There is a Criteria where you must hide who the submitter is when you nominate Wayspot from Niantic’s Ingress or Pokémon GO. Currently, we are at risk of being banned from account by attaching splat at the time of nomination. That’s why he and I strongly request to share Splat anonymously.
As long as anonymity can be ensured, I think Scaniverse’s Splat would be very useful for Wayspot nominations via Niantic Wayfarer as an alternative to Street View.


Thanks for your support.
I should have written that.

I hope STRONGLY the scaniverse and wayfarer teams at the same company work well together.


As a result of discussing with the Wayfarer ambassador at the Niantic Wayfarer official community forum, it is not allowed to use splat when nomining Wayspot from the game. I came to the conclusion that. I have no doubt that Scaniverse’s splat is excellent data that includes location information to replace Google Street View/Photosphere. I hope that the Scaniverse team will make a great update as soon as possible. Thank you for listening :pensive:

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