Can't post multiple scaniverse scans because the moderator bot flags it as spam

Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):

Forum issue:

  • Description of the issue: with as much detail as possible, tell us what issue(s) you’re experiencing
    I have several scans to post. It wouldnt let me post more than 2 scaniverse links in one reply to my own cave scans thread. After posting 6, it flagged me as a spammer and hid all my new posts.
  • Date: sep 17 2024
  • Device type & OS version: Android / iOS / Other ex. iPhone 8+ on iOS 13
  • App version: ex. V3.3.0 (507)
  • Reproduction Steps: A step-by-step guide to reproduce the issue(s) you’re experiencing
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Hello, your issue has been resolved, and the settings have been loosened such that it shouldn’t happen again. Additionally, your previously hidden posts are now visible. If this issue occurs again in the future or if any other problems arise, feel free to reach out to us again. Thank you for your continued support!

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