Description of the issue: There is no button to change the background color in edit.
Date: Always
Device type & OS version: iPhone 13 Pro Max & iOS 17.6.1 & Japanese
App version: V4.0.2
Hello kowloonsgt, thank you for your keen attention to the missing button to change the background color.
Upon checking, it seems like an option to change the background would become available upon editing in the video share option, however, upon looking into this, the background button is not available there as well. We’ve raised this to the team for investigation and we appreciate your patience while this is being looked at. Thank you.
I found a background button during the Create Video of data captured in Mesh mode. I would be happy if there was a background button for Create Video in Splat mode.
Thank you❣️
This is a bug and will be addressed in a future update to Scanverse. Be on the lookout for future updates/ release notes.
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