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- Description of the issue: with as much detail as possible, tell us what issue(s) you’re experiencing
- Date: first day you experienced the issue(s). Approximate date is ok
- Device type & OS version: Android / iOS / Other ex. iPhone 8+ on iOS 13
- App version: ex. V3.3.0 (507)
- Reproduction Steps: A step-by-step guide to reproduce the issue(s) you’re experiencing
I am attempting to log in via my Quest 3 headset. I can open VR session in the Oculus browser, but the Profile button is greyed out. I can see a small selection of scans on the map, but none I have posted and made public. Thank you for looking and making this cool app/experience.
Oculus 3 uses the Latest OS and Oculus browser
Oculus Browser > > Enter VR > Seeing globe > Inaccessible Profile button on the bottom right, it’s greyed out.
Hi Ken!
What’s most likely the case is that you’re still in the “tutorial”, which limits the full functionality of the app until you’ve completed it, including Scaniverse sign-in.
If you’re not sure what step you’re on and what you’re supposed to do next, I recommend resetting the tutorial by pressing the Menu button on your left controller and selecting “Reset Tutorial”. That way, it should be pretty clear as to how you can clear the tutorial.
Let me know if you have any more questions and/or if you run into any other issues!
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Azad! Nice to hear from you again and thank you for the tips. I got it now.
A couple of thoughts:
I do think the onboarding could use some love, make the tutorial status (and steps) needed to continue more obvious. A way to bypass this would also be welcomed by certain users.
I noticed that my scan (and a few others) came with a notification that they were not optimized for VR. I don’t recall a clear place in the scanning workflow that offered this as an option. That would be cool.
Regardless, thankful for the cool app!