Splat unresponsive Returning to the map

Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):

  • Description of the issue: using the intothescaniverse.com, in a quest 3, (v72) , AND I have my ios profile established and connected, when I look at a few of my ‘non public’ scans, I receive a red box that says “splat unresponsive” as the title and “returning to map” as the content, with an ok button to press. scan starts and I can view for less than a minute, and then receive error message. it then takes me back to my scans in my profile. two of my ‘nonpublic’ scans do this. the other two public scans do not do this.

  • Date: 12/19/2024

  • Device type & OS version: quest 3, horizon os version V72. iphone 15 pro max, ios version 18.2, scaniverse version V4.0.4

  • Reproduction Steps: fire up quest 3 browser, enter into the scaniverse, ‘see’ my profile, select a non-public scan, scan starts can view for less than a minute, and then receive error message.

see attached screen shot of the error message

Hi there. Anyone at scaniverse able to look at this bug / issue ?